Tabled Documents

Sessional Papers

A sessional paper is a document required to be tabled in the Legislative Assembly in accordance with an act, resolution of the Assembly or Standing Order. Sessional Papers are tabled in the House during Tabling Returns and Documents.

Legislative Returns

A legislative return is a written response to: (a) a question asked during Question Period, (b) a written question that has been placed on the Order Paper, (c) a motion for the production of papers, or (d) a matter outstanding from discussion in the House or Committee of the Whole.

Filed Documents

Filed documents are documents, other than Sessional Papers, that are tabled in the House (usually during Tabling Returns and Documents) and entered into the Assembly’s Working Papers.


A petition is a formal request made by members of the public to the Legislative Assembly for redress of a grievance.

First Session

No: Petition 35-1-16
Title: Hemodialysis (Kate White)
No: Petition 35-1-17
Title: Hemodialysis (Kate White)
No: FD 35-1-116
Title: Watson Lake Housing Needs Assessment — Final August 28, 2020 (Ranj Pillai)
No: FD 35-1-117
Title: Yukon Medical Association’s statement on the 2023-24 Budget address, letter re (dated March 3, 2023) from Alex Kmet, President, Yukon Medical Association to Hon. Tracy-Anne McPhee, Minister of Health and Social Services (Tracy-Anne McPhee)
No: FD 35-1-118
Title: Yukon implementation of the National Action Plan on Gender Based Violence, letter re (dated February 28, 2023) from the Yukon Women’s Coalition to Hon. Jeanie McLean, Minister responsible for the Women and Gender Equity Directorate (Yvonne Clarke)
No: FD 35-1-119
Title: Whitehorse Elementary School, letter re (dated November 2, 2022) from Michele Genest to Hon. Jeanie McLean, Minister of Education and Hon. Nils Clarke, Minister of Highways and Public Works (Lane Tredger)
No: FD 35-1-120
Title: Whitehorse Elementary School, letter re (dated November 2, 2022) from Laurel Parry to Hon. Jeanie McLean, Minister of Education and Hon. Nils Clarke, Minister of Highways and Public Works (Lane Tredger)
No: FD 35-1-121
Title: Ensuring there is an elementary school Downtown, letter re (dated March 15, 2023) from Brook Land-Murphy to Hon. Jeanie McLean, Minister of Education (Lane Tredger)
No: FD 35-1-122
Title: École Whitehorse Elementary School being moved out of downtown, letter re (dated March 10, 2023) from Valerie Herdes to Hon. Jeanie McLean, Minister of Education and Hon. Nils Clarke, Minister of Highways and Public Works (Lane Tredger)
No: FD 35-1-123
Title: Construction of a new elementary school in Takhini, letter re (dated March 13, 2023) from Georgi Pearson to Hon. Jeanie McLean, Minister of Education and Hon. Nils Clarke, Minister of Highways and Public Works (Lane Tredger)
No: FD 35-1-124
Title: Downtown school, letter re (dated March 14, 2023) from Phil Emerson to Hon. Jeanie McLean, Minister of Education and Hon. Nils Clarke, Minister of Highways and Public Works (Lane Tredger)
No: FD 35-1-125
Title: School in the downtown core, letter re from Sabrina Clarke to Hon. Jeanie McLean, Minister of Education and Hon. Nils Clarke, Minister of Highways and Public Works (Lane Tredger)
No: FD 35-1-126
Title: Construction of new French Immersion Whitehorse Elementary School in Takhini, letter re (dated October 31, 2022) from Kelly Milner to Hon. Jeanie McLean, Minister of Education and Hon. Nils Clarke, Minister of Highways and Public Works (Lane Tredger)
No: FD 35-1-127
Title: Replacement elementary school in the downtown core, letter re from Tytus Hardy to Hon. Jeanie McLean, Minister of Education and Hon. Nils Clarke, Minister of Highways and Public Works (Lane Tredger)
No: FD 35-1-128
Title: Replacement elementary school in the downtown core, letter re (dated March 14, 2023) from Rosemary Scanlon to Hon. Jeanie McLean, Minister of Education and Hon. Nils Clarke, Minister of Highways and Public Works (Lane Tredger)
No: FD 35-1-129
Title: Protecting elections from foreign interference, letter re (dated March 9, 2023) from Hon. Ranj Pillai, Premier, to H. Maxwell Harvey, Chief Electoral Officer (Ranj Pillai)
No: FD 35-1-130
Title: Foreign interference in Canadian democratic institutions, letter re (dated March 13, 2023) from H. Maxwell Harvey, Chief Electoral Officer to Hon. Ranj Pillai, Premier (Ranj Pillai)
No: SP 35-1-91
Title: Annual Report 2021-2022 Yukon Public Service Labour Relations Board (Sandy Silver)
No: SP 35-1-92
Title: Annual Report 2021-2022 Yukon Teachers Labour Relations Board (Sandy Silver)
No: FD 35-1-131
Title: Mining intensity target — What We Heard — March 2023 (John Streicker)
No: LR 35-1-82
Title: Response to matter outstanding from discussion with Ms. Van Bibber related to general debate on Vote 54, Tourism and Culture, in Bill No. 207, Third Appropriation Act 2022-23 — museums and cultural centres (John Streicker)
No: LR 35-1-83
Title: Response to matter outstanding from discussion with Ms. White related to general debate on Vote 3, Education, in Bill No. 207, Third Appropriation Act 2022-23 — clinical counsellor at Hidden Valley Elementary School (Jeanie McLean)
No: SP 35-1-93
Title: Seventh Report of the Standing Committee on Appointments to Major Government Boards and Committees (March 27, 2023) (Nils Clarke)
No: FD 35-1-132
Title: Protection for students, letter re (dated March 3, 2023) from Hon. Jeanie McLean, Minister of Education to Kate White, Leader of the Third Party (Jeanie McLean)
No: FD 35-1-133
Title: Protection for students, letter re (dated March 28, 2023) from Hon. Jeanie McLean, Minister of Education to Kate White, Leader of the Third Party (Jeanie McLean)