Whitehorse, Yukon
Monday, November 9, 1987 - 3:00 p.m.
Speaker: Prior to receiving the Commissioner in his capacity as Lieutenant-Governor to deliver his Speech from the Throne I would like to announce to the Assembly the appointment of Frank Ursich as Sergeant-at-Arms, and welcome him to the House. In addition, I think all Members would want me to recognize the retirement of G.I. Cameron. Cam was our Sergeant-at-Arms for 15 years and has been a visible and respected citizen of the Yukon for many more years than that. Today he is not in his familiar spot on the floor of the House but is sitting in the Speakers Gallery with his wife, Martha. I would simply say to Cam that the Members and Officers of this House have valued his service and friendship though the years. We are sorry to see him go and we wish him and Martha every happiness as they enter their well-deserved retirement from official duties. I am sure, however, they will both remain as active as ever in extending their warm hospitality to their many friends.
Hon. Mr. Penikett: It is with great pleasure that I rise today to pay tribute to G.I. Cameron, who has served this House well for many years. The Legislature of the Yukon has been especially lucky in that for so long we have had serving as the Sergeant-at-Arms an individual whose personal history so well reflects the romance and drama of the Yukon Territory.
G.I., or Cam as he is more familiarly known, was born in Ontario at the turn of the century. After the Great War, he joined the Royal Canadian Mounted Police. He came to the Yukon in 1925 at the age of 25 and was initially stationed in Dawson. His beat was the gold fields and the next few years saw him stationed in Granville and Keno City as well as Dawson proper.
He was at Sulphur Creek in 1927 when he became involved in a situation which would do credit to the imagination of Robert Service for Jack London. On a freezing January night, he and two other officers were called out to deal with a miner who had gone mad and was firing his weapon at anything that presented a target. A shoot-out ensued, and the Royal Canadian Mounted Police were pinned down. At one point the crazy man ran towards Cam in the night, fell, disappeared from sight and suddenly reappeared and pointed his rifle directly at him. The miner pulled the trigger, and there was a loud explosion. However, that explosion was not a bullet putting an end to the life of the young Royal Canadian Mounted Police officer. Instead it was the miners rifle that had become packed with snow and fell, exploding. After another day of exchanged gunfire, the deranged man finally died
While G.I. Cameron was tasting the adventure of the Yukon, he was also experiencing the romance. He first met his wife, Martha, when he was stationed in Dawson in 1925. As Members here know, Martha was born and bred in the Yukon, the daughter of sourdoughs who climbed the Chilkoot Pass.
As Royal Canadian Mounted Police officers were not able to marry without their commanding officers approval, they courted for three years until they were finally able to gain that approval. However, at the annual Royal Canadian Mounted Police Ball, I hear, the Commanding Officer, who had finally been convinced that it would be a good idea to allow G.I. and Martha to wed, fell dead of a heart attack. His replacement took a more rigid view and laid down the law that none of his officers was to be a married man. When faced with the choice between family and career, Cam elected for love over duty and purchased his discharge.
With that decision came the need to leave the Yukon to earn a living to support his family. However in 1934, when the rules regarding marriage were relaxed, Mr. Cameron rejoined the R.C.M.P. and once again was stationed in his beloved Yukon - this time in Fort Selkirk. G.I. and Martha Cameron lived in Fort Selkirk for the next 15 years and for many people their names are practically synonymous with that community. It was there that their daughter, Ione, who is well known to all of us here, was raised. Those years in Fort Selkirk were busy ones. As well as representing the force of law and order, G.I Cameron was forced to serve in many other capacities, sometimes as surveyor, engineer, cook, river pilot and, on occasion, even dentist.
In 1949, G.I. retired from the force with his family and moved to Whitehorse where he worked in different capacities for the territorial government. I note with interest that he was involved in the creation of a union for employees of the territorial government that became what is today known as the Yukon Government Employees Union. G.I. Camerons life has been so full that one might think that upon retirement he would wish to take it easy. However, in 1972, he agreed to take on the position of Sergeant-of-Arms in our Legislature. For the last 15 years he has carried out that task with grace and dignity. Although many Members have come and gone through this House during his tenure, Im sure that I speak for all of them in stating that it is with respect and admiration that today we say good-bye to you, and it is with affection that we wish you and Martha the very best in your well-earned retirement. Thank-you for the way in which you have enriched this House and may I also say on behalf of my colleagues and, personally, my parents - your friends - good luck and thank-you.
Mr. Phelps: I, too, am pleased to rise to pay tribute to Mr. Cameron. As a young child growing up in Whitehorse, I have known G.I Cameron pretty well all my life. I still can recall a very close friend of mine, Vince Taylor, and myself going down into Taylor and Drurys store to eat some of Marthas cooking. That is one of my earliest childhood memories. When I was first elected as an MLA in 1974 - I was not there very long - Mr. Cameron was there. When I returned 11 years later, he was still there. In a place where so many people and faces come and go, it was nice to see a familiar face here in the Legislative Assembly. Mr. Cameron has had a long productive life of public service, and I am very pleased to take this opportunity to wish him and Martha well. Thank you.
Mr. McLachlan: I am indeed proud to be a Member of this Legislature on this historic day when the Assemblys first and only full time Sergeant-at-Arms is retiring. At a time and age when many others have long since retired, Cam carried on in excellent spirits and true dedication to his belief in Yukon. Cam first became associated with the Territorial Government in 1949. That was after serving 20 distinguished years with the Royal Canadian Mounted Police. There are none around, that I know of, who are still affiliated with the territorial government after some 38 years.
If there was one common element in the working life and careers in the Yukon which G.I. chose it was they started and ended similarly. In the 20s, 30s and 40s, he was enforcing law and order on Yukons frontiers. In the 70s and 80s he was carrying a symbol of law and order - the Mace - the symbol of legislative authority in these Chambers. Cam, whether it was enforcing law and order, starting dog races at 40 below, or being a general goodwill ambassador, you have always given unselfishly of your time and efforts towards the advancement of the Yukon Territory. I sincerely hope that you and Martha will be as happy during retirement as the Members, both past and present, have been with your dedicated service to this Assembly.
Mr. Brewster: I have been one of the quiet ones in this Legislature, and I asked to be able to stand up and speak. It is one of the first times I have ever done that. I am going to speak about a Mr. Cameron that nobody has even mentioned here. Mr. Cameron was in my life, and my wifes life, and I could say that he was even in our hair at times. When I first went into business here Mr. Higgins was the Liquor Inspector, Mr. Bidlake was Secretary Treasurer, Mr. Them Kjar was the Game Commissioner, and Mr. Cameron was the Health Inspector, Liquor Inspector, Building Inspector, Plumbing Inspector and I suppose some that I have missed. The rest of the government was in Dawson and things were quite free and nice. The government could not have had a better man to represent the government here who could cut through the red tape. He always smiled when he came into a place that you were building, yet you knew that somewhere he would find something wrong and he would point this out to you. He would smile and you knew that you were not going to have four more inspectors coming after you. He would say: Its all right, Bill, if you can get that done before I come back next time, everything is fine. So that is the way it went. He helped build many, many lodges along the highway when people did not have money. We did not have grants like we have today. We had to run around and steal old government and army buildings so we could build. He understood these things and he was helpful and encouraging.
I can recall one time I was having a little problem with the RCMP. They seemed to want to sit outside my bar and pick up everybody who came out.
I did not see how I could make any business this way and I finally talked to Inspector Cameron and he arranged an appointment with the Inspector in Whitehorse. I had not been around too many civil servants in those days, and I got quite a going over. I can recall coming out of there and thinking that I had lost that one. Mr. Cameron just smiled and said no, you did not lose that one. I said that it did not sound like I was winning, and he said not to worry. Within three days, the police car was gone and did not park there again. I hoped a lot of civil servants would notice things like that and be a little more like him. The country did not fall apart because of him, it actually developed. I wish Mr. Cameron a very long life. I am happy that - and I know it will come in my life time - when the Speaker orders me out of the House, Mr. Cameron will not be here to escort me.
Mr. Lang: I would like to touch on the role, Cam, that you have played as the Sergeant-at-Arms for the Legislature here. I have had the pleasure of serving in these Chambers since 1974. I would like to say that at times the debate can get very emotional. It can even appear to sometimes get out of hand, but it never really did get out of hand. Cam can take some credit for that. His stalwart presence here hour after hour, day after day, was duly noted by all Members of the House during whatever sitting took place.
I want to say that it is with a great deal of sorrow that we bid farewell to the dean of the House. I know, Cam, that youre saying that you are going to retire, but we know that not to be true. You will continue to be busy, along with Martha, as the good Speaker has indicated, in giving Yukon hospitality to not only your neighbours, but to visitors to the Yukon. On behalf of the past Members, who are not here today, who have had the pleasure of serving the people of the Yukon, I want to wish you all the best in your semi-retirement - and God bless!
Speaker: I have received communication from the Commissioner, in his capacity as Lieutenant-Governor, stating that he would open the Session at 3 p.m. today, Monday, November 9th, 1987. We are now prepared to hear the Speech from the Throne.
Commissioner Ken McKinnon enters the Chamber, escorted by his Aides-de-Camp.
Commissioner: Mr. Speaker and hon. Members, I am pleased to welcome you to the fourth session of the Twenty-sixth Legislature of the Yukon.
I would like to join the Members of this Assembly in paying tribute to the former Sergeant-at-Arms, G.I. Cameron. He has watched over this chamber for 15 years and has a life-long record of service to the Yukon. He has personally observed most of the Yukons near century as a territory of Canada and represents a continuity in our history that we are proud to honour today. G.I. and Martha, on behalf of Judy and me and our family, thank-you for being our friends and we all wish you well.
The historical continuity of this Assembly will be honoured again in the spring. I am certain all Members look forward to the spring sitting of the Legislature in the former capital of Dawson City, in accordance with the unanimous motion passed by this Assembly last spring. As Members are aware, the Old Territorial Administration Building there has been restored over the past two years as an historic site. This winter, the furnishings will be completed for the buildings legislative chamber, where the former five-member Legislature sat until 1953.
As we honour our past, it is appropriate to contemplate our future. It is a future for which Yukoners feel increasing optimism. Our economic recovery seems more assured with every passing season. In 1987, we can expect to see continued high activity in almost every major sector of our economy: in mining, in tourism, in construction, in forestry, in service industries. This is the base on which we can build our future. A future of employment, equality and democracy. A future in which Yukoners in every region of the territory can expect to earn a good living, to have equal access to community services, and to have a voice in decisions that affect them.
This is the future Yukoners have said they want. This is the future my Ministers are working with them to achieve. This is the future I will describe for the hon. Members assembled here today.
Jobs are Yukoners first concern, jobs are at the top of my governments agenda, and jobs are the measure of its success.
Many new jobs continue to be created in 1987. More Yukoners are mining and logging, trapping and fishing, driving trucks and selling goods, running offices and hosting visitors.
By almost every economic indicator, our economy is continuing to prosper, whether measured by jobs, by resource production, by population, by construction, by transportation and energy demand, or by goods and services sold. The Yukons growth rate led Canada last year; it is forecast to lead again this year and could do so next year, too. Yukoners in both the public and private sectors have worked to rebuild our economy and create jobs. Those who struggled through the recession, in many cases without steady jobs, know the value of these labours.
The past two years have been good to most Yukoners, but just as we should not let that dim our memories of the past, so we should not let it blind our vision of the future. Our economy is being diversified into forestry, into manufacturing, into food production, into local energy sources, but we have a lot of work to do in rebuilding our economy, and we have many opportunities ahead.
Hundreds of Yukoners have been identifying these opportunities through Yukon 2000. Ministers listened and learned again last month in Dawson City, where economic and community leaders concluded more than a year of consultations with people from all regions, sectors and interests. This review is the last stage leading to a long-term development strategy to be completed and released early in the new year. With its community roots, this will be a strategy to guide not only this government but those to come for the rest of this century.
It is one thing to see opportunities; it is another to grasp and hold them. My government believes Yukoners can succeed together, and it is prepared to do its share in creating the jobs of the future. My Ministers are proud of a strong record of jobs budgets, of unprecedented support for mining, tourism and small business, and of policies for local products and materials, for northern contract preferences, and for better uses of our energy, and they are ready to extend this record of achievement with new measures in the year ahead.
They look forward to turning the ideas of Yukon 2000 into realities-and into jobs-in our communities. Some ideas may require only small changes; others may require major new commitments or complex negotiations. My Ministers are prepared to take those steps, both immediate and long-term, that will lead to an economy that is more diverse, more self-sufficient, more locally controlled, more stable and, in the end, produces more good jobs.
My government is working with the Yukon Development Corporation to bring Yukoners affordable power and new development opportunities. New, more efficient power generation is being planned for our rural communities.
This work with the development corporation is strengthening the Yukon forest industry as well. Even as harvesting has begun, responsible reforestation is being planned. So far this year the corporation has established the sources of raw materials, the labour force, and the markets necessary for success. It is now in the process of building a plant that can deliver a larger volume of products. This month Hyland Forest Products plans to deliver its first load of finished lumber for sale in Whitehorse. Yukon building materials will now be available to Yukon builders.
Similarly, my Ministers are working with the revitalized Yukon Housing Corporation to rebuild the territorys housing stock. As hon. Members will recall, a territorial/federal report last year found that Yukoners are among the most poorly housed people in Canada. This is not a happy legacy, not for a government, not for communities, and, most importantly, not for the many whose shelter is substandard. In the coming year my Government will make an unprecedented commitment to meet Yukoners growing housing needs. It is expected that this community housing construction will be a strong source of demand for local labour and local materials.
As well, the corporation has undertaken a thorough study of the financial barriers to home ownership in the Yukon. I am sure rural Members are aware that these present special problems in their communities. The Minister of Community and Transportation Services expects to release the results of this study early in the new year and to propose ways of meeting identified needs.
Still more local jobs and other benefits from public construction activity will be created with a value-added contract system. This is used by other provinces to award government contracts to bidders who take the least money out of the local economy - that is, they make maximum use of local labour, materials, and suppliers of goods and services. This policy will be in addition to, not in place of, the existing Yukon business incentive policy introduced earlier by this Government. It will retain many more of our tax dollars in the Yukon, and my Minister of Government Services will soon announce detailed plans for its implementation.
My government believes the measures outlined here today - in economic diversification, energy, forestry, housing and value-added contracts - can go a long way towards creating more and better jobs for Yukoners in the years ahead.
Economic health is the first step on the road to a better future for all Yukoners: men and women, rural and urban, aboriginal and non-aboriginal. That future must be one of equality as well as employment. Equality is not only an economic issue, of course. It has many other dimensions. Historically in the Yukon, equality has been sought between aboriginal peoples, who have maintained a subsistence culture in this land for thousands of years, and non-aboriginal peoples, who have arrived in the 20th century and brought its modern industrial values with them.
In recent years, Yukoners hopes for achieving this equality has focussed on a land claim settlement. Now, I am pleased to report to this Assembly that substantial negotiations began in earnest late this summer, after a three-year gap.
It is my Ministers belief that every effort must now be made to achieve an agreement. This will be their strongest commitment in the months ahead. They will commit whatever means are necessary from all Ministers - from Renewable Resources and Economic Development, from Education and Justice, from Community Services and Human Resources - so that negotiations will not fail for lack of effort.
My government believes its commitment will be matched by the Council for Yukon Indians and its member bands and by the federal government. The federal Minister this summer announced his goal of reaching by next spring an overall umbrella agreement on broad territory-wide issues and on rules to guide negotiation of local issues. With goodwill and diligence, this can be done.
It must be done. As Yukoners became aware this summer, our constitutional destiny is now caught up in other, national forces as well. The Meech Lake Accord was a shocking affront to our status as Canadian citizens. It casts doubts on our equality as Canadians. It holds complex and uncertain meaning for our future in Canada and in the Yukon.
Yukoners do not oppose bringing Quebec fully into the Constitution. But it is possible to correct the injustice done to Quebec in 1981 without committing an even worse injustice to the North in 1987. Our future is too high a price for Yukoners to pay.
Extraordinary efforts have been made over the past months to defend the Yukons interest in the constitutional debate. And ahead of us lie months of hearings, lobbying, and court battles. It is vital that both sides of this House continue to agree on the profound importance of the constitutional accord to the future of all Yukoners.
The first step on this road will be a resolution presented to this Assembly by the Government Leader, urging the First Ministers to keep the door to Confederation open for the North-as wide open as it was for the provinces they now represent.
Despite the potential problems raised by the Constitutional Accord, territorial and federal officials are negotiating an overall framework to guide the devolution process. This will eliminate the need for each Ministry to repeat the process of negotiating anew for each individual program transfer.
Constitutional questions, of course, involve more than just land claims, devolution, and our political status in Canada. They are not just abstract legal issues. They go to the heart of who we are, of how we will live in our communities, of who will run our schools and who will manage our resources
The Meech Lake Accord has been a shock and a disappointment for Yukoners. But it can lead to a unique opportunity. An opportunity to meet our own needs. To create our own models. To build made-in-Yukon institutions- at the territorial, regional, and community levels. To give them the powers they need to serve Yukoners. This is not the South. We are determined to build a distinct northern society.
This historic opportunity requires a third element-democracy;. It is important to have jobs, and it is important to have equality. But it is necessary to have democracy, to sustain the other two. Not just democracy once every four years, but democracy every day.
Consultation has become a cornerstone of Yukon democracy. It has become a systematic process of listening to and acting on ideas of Yukoners. Organized, thorough consultation such as Yukon 2000 has been the basis of my governments economic, educational, land, judicial, and social reforms. Now, as we face what may be the biggest challenge of a generation, as we are building a new society, government must bring Yukoners together to talk to each other about their concerns and their hopes for the future. Then we can build that future together.
The Yukon must begin shifting constitutional gears. We must still make every effort to persuade the First Ministers to correct their Constitutional Accord to restore a truly national union. But we must also begin looking inward as well as outward for solutions. In the months ahead, as national issues are resolved, Cabinet will bring forward plans for a Yukon constitutional consultation process, to mobilize the ideas and the energies of Yukoners, to learn what vision they have for their future.
Another cornerstone of good government is careful spending. This has been done in all three budgets that this government has introduced and will continue throughout its term. As the Minister of Finance has explained in every budget speech, the increase in federal funds under the 1985 formula financing agreement is being used as it was intended, to build the territory: to build schools and housing and roads and the economy.
This government will continue its emphasis on capital projects and controlled program spending. Officials are now negotiating an extension of the three-year federal formula financing agreement. Our goal is a funding arrangement which will continue to ensure that public services in the Yukon are comparable to those enjoyed by other Canadians. The Minister of Finance will bring before this House a bill seeking authority to enter into a formal agreement with Canada.
As well as consulting and spending carefully, good government is responsive to community needs. My Ministers are acting to meet these needs.
All Members are aware of the planned opening of the new Yukon College next fall and for the 1988/89 school year. This will be an important new community institution, training Yukoners for the jobs of the future. The Minister of Education is committed to operating it on a democratic basis. He will soon announce the release of a white paper on college governance. Based on expressed public preferences, he will introduce in the spring a College Governance Act for a community board to set directions for the new college.
The Education Ministry is engaged in similar consultations on reviewing, reforming, and, where necessary, rebuilding the public school system. Next year, work will be completed on a new school in Dawson City and will begin on a new school in Watson Lake. The government is also committed to substantial building and rebuilding in Whitehorse, which has absorbed most of the population increase resulting from the current economic prosperity.
In the months ahead, the Minister will outline his plans for meeting these growing urban needs as well as his responses to educational concerns identified by the Joint Commission on Indian Education and Training and by the Education Task Force.
The Minister is already taking a number of steps to improve educational services to Yukoners, including:
* Provision of a third mobile unit to offer computer training in support of the colleges business and administration courses;
* Training courses for community administrators and economic development workers;
* Improved French and aboriginal language programs;
* Mining and tourism institutes established with those key Yukon industries; and
* Agreements to share experiences and pursue common educational goals with our northern neighbours, Alaska and the Northwest Territories.
Our youngest citizens and their families have needs that go beyond the school system. Child care is becoming one of the foremost social issues of our time. My Government is prepared to meet that challenge. In 1986 the Minister of Health and Human Resources acted to increase support to both parents and operators and to reduce regulations for family day homes.
During this sitting of the Legislature, she will present new measures to meet immediate needs for child care. Early next year she will outline a range of options for Yukoners to consider in creating a substantial child care system for the future. As always, any future government actions will be based on the ideas put forward by Yukoners in extensive consultations.
Honourable Members, my government is also responding to Yukoners needs for land. In cooperation with the land claims process and the federal government, the Ministers of Community and Transportation Services and of Renewable Resources have worked to make land available for immediate needs: for homes, for businesses, for recreation, for agriculture, and for public facilities.
With access to more land comes the need for responsible planning. Government has a duty to set up public processes to sort out competing uses. My Ministers are cooperating with communities, bands, federal departments, and all other interests in both local and territorial land use planning. By doing so, it is hoped to avoid many of the land frustrations that Yukoners have experienced in the past.
Last month the Minister of Renewable Resources and the federal Minister of Indian and Northern Affairs, with the support and participation of the Council for Yukon Indians, activated the Northern Land Use Planning process in the Yukon. This process will minimize future land use conflicts and speed up future land use applications. Meanwhile, current land use applications will go ahead as usual. Beginning next spring, locally based planning commissions will be appointed. They will hear local concerns and direct the preparation of land use plans for their regions of the Yukon.
My Ministers are working to extend and improve many services in our rural communities, including:
* A necessary housing program, which will meet long-standing social needs, as well as generating economic benefits throughout the territory;
* An extension of rural telephone services on the same basis as our earlier rural electrification program;
* Renewal of the banking agreement which brought services to the Faro and Mayo areas;
* Another tour by the Women on Wheels program, this time to Carcross and Carmacks, to bring a wide range of information to women in rural communities;
* A new Advisory Committee on Indian Child Welfare and an agreement with the Council for Yukon Indians on the fostering and adoption of Indian children; and
* Training for the family mediators and a coordinator for family violence issues, both in response to the recommendations of the Task Force on Family Violence.
My Ministers will be bringing before this House a number of bills on these and other matters. Of particular interest in this session will be the introduction of bills written in simple language and style. They are intended to be understood and used by everyone, not just lawyers. As well, these particular bills will be accompanied by their proposed regulations, which used to come months after the bills were passed. The Yukon is leading the country in the move towards clear, comprehensible legislation.
The bills to be introduced in this sitting include:
* An Act to Amend the Assessment and Taxation Act,
* Change of Name Act,
* Financial Agreement Act,
* An Act to Amend the Income Tax Act,
* An Act to Amend the Liquor Act
* Loan Agreement Act,
* Miscellaneous Statute Law Amendment Act,
* An Act to Amend the Municipal Act,
* Private Investigators and Security Guards Act,
* Public Libraries Act,
* Societies Act, and
* Territorial Court Act.
As well, the Minister of Finance will present the 1988/89 Capital Budget and supplementary estimates for 1986/87 and for 1987/88. In introducing the budgets for these departments, the Ministers will describe in detail how these spending measures are intended to enrich our economy and our communities in the year ahead.
This, then, is the agenda for the months ahead: to create the jobs Yukoners need, to encourage equality and democracy in our public lives, and to improve the quality of life in our communities. This is the vision my government believes Yukoners hold for their future. It is a vision Yukoners can work together to reach. It is a vision worthy of support by all Members of this House.
Speaker: I will call the House to order. We will proceed at this time with prayers.
Hon. Mr. Porter: It is my pleasure at this time to introduce to the Legislature Dr. Catherine McClellan, a longtime student of Yukons history and a dear friend to many people of the Yukon.
Speaker: It gives me great pleasure to introduce to the House the Pages who will be serving us this Session. They are William Bryant, Brian Hanulik, Delwyn Klassen, Jennifer Mogridge, Carolyn Pollack, Chandra Richardson and Teresa Shewchuk from Porter Creek Junior Secondary School and Stacey Edzerza and Cassandra Sullivan from F.H. Collins High School.
I would invite them to join us at this time.
Bill No. 1 - First Reading
Hon. Mr. Penikett: I move the Bill entitled An Act to Perpetuate a Certain Ancient Right be now introduced and read a first time
Speaker: It has been moved by the Hon. Government Leader that a Bill entitled An Act to Perpetuate a Certain Ancient Right be now introduced and read a first time.
Motion agreed to
Speaker: I would like to inform the Assembly at this time that in order to prevent mistakes I have obtained a copy of the Speech from the Throne, which I now lay on the table.
Hon. Mr. Penikett: I move that the Speech from the Throne be considered on the day following.
Speaker: It has been moved by the hon. Government Leader that the Speech from the Throne be considered on the day following.
Motion agreed to
Hon. Mr. Porter: I wish to inform the House that pursuant to Standing Order 26 consideration of a motion for an address in reply to the Speech from the Throne will take place on Tuesday, November 10, 1987.
Speaker: May I have your further pleasure?
Hon. Mr. Porter: I move that the House do now adjourn.
Speaker: It has been moved by the hon. Government House Leader that the House do now adjourn.
Motion agreed to
Speaker: This House now stands adjourned until 1:30 p.m. tomorrow.
The House adjourned at 3:45 p.m.
The following Sessional Paper was tabled November 9, 1987:
Speech from the Throne (Johnston - Speaker)