Select Committee on Bill 108, Legislative Renewal Act

On November 4, 2009 the Yukon Legislative Assembly adopted the following motion (Motion #852 as amended):

  • THAT a Select Committee on Bill 108, Legislative Renewal Act, be established,
  • THAT the membership of the Committee be comprised of equal representation from the Government caucus, the Official Opposition caucus and the Third Party caucus to be determined by the Premier, the Leader of the Official Opposition and the Leader of the Third Party,
  • THAT the Committee conduct public consultations for the purpose of receiving the views and opinions of Yukon citizens and interested groups on the Act,
  • THAT the Committee report to the House its findings and recommendations no later than the 2011 Fall Sitting of the Legislative Assembly,
  • THAT the Government introduce in the House legislation no later than the 2011 Fall Sitting of the Legislative Assembly,
  • THAT the Committee have the power to call for persons, papers and records and to sit during inter-sessional periods,
  • THAT the Committee have the power to seek background information from experts and to be able to call and hear these experts as witnesses,
  • THAT if the House is not sitting at such time as the Committee is prepared to present its report, the Committee transmit its report to all Members of the Legislative Assembly, and then, not more than one day later, release the report to the public; and
  • THAT the Clerk of the Legislative Assembly be responsible for providing the necessary support services to the Committee.

Committee Members

  • Dennis Fentie
  • Garry McRobb
