Select Committee on Human Rights

The Select Committee on Human Rights was established by Order of the Legislative Assembly on April 9, 2008 (Motion No. 374). The committee was charged with reviewing and reporting to the Assembly its findings and recommendations regarding public opinion on legislative options for amending the Human Rights Act.

After submitting its Report to the Assembly on Thursday, November 20, 2008, the select committee dissolved.

Committee Members

  • Hon. Marian C. Horne
  • Donald Inverarity
  • Steve Cardiff


Press Releases


  • Bill#102, Act to Amend the Yukon Human Rights Act [16 KB]
    Bill #102 is a Private Member’s Bill that was introduced in the Yukon Legislative Assembly by Don Inverarity on April 23, 2007. The Bill received some Second Reading debate on May 23, 2007, and the debate was adjourned. The motion appointing the Select Committee on Human Rights (Motion #374) referred Bill #102 to the Select Committee.
  • Human Rights Act [153 KB]

Public Hearings
