Tabled Documents

Sessional Papers

A sessional paper is a document required to be tabled in the Legislative Assembly in accordance with an act, resolution of the Assembly or Standing Order. Sessional Papers are tabled in the House during Tabling Returns and Documents.

Legislative Returns

A legislative return is a written response to: (a) a question asked during Question Period, (b) a written question that has been placed on the Order Paper, (c) a motion for the production of papers, or (d) a matter outstanding from discussion in the House or Committee of the Whole.

Filed Documents

Filed documents are documents, other than Sessional Papers, that are tabled in the House (usually during Tabling Returns and Documents) and entered into the Assembly’s Working Papers.


A petition is a formal request made by members of the public to the Legislative Assembly for redress of a grievance.

First Session

No: FD 35-1-257
Title: 2023 Annual Report Yukon Minerals Advisory Board (John Streicker)
No: SP 35-1-155
Title: Report from the Clerk of the Yukon Legislative Assembly on the Absence of Members from Sittings of the Legislative Assembly and its Committees (October 2, 2024) (Jeremy Harper)
No: SP 35-1-156
Title: Certification Report — Pursuant to section 18 of the Ombudsman Act (August 6, 2024) (Jeremy Harper)
No: SP 35-1-157
Title: Yukon Electoral District Boundaries Commission 2024 Interim Report (May 9, 2024) (Jeremy Harper)
No: SP 35-1-158
Title: Fifteenth Report of the Standing Committee on Appointments to Major Government Boards and Committees (June 4, 2024) (Nils Clarke)
No: SP 35-1-159
Title: Sixteenth Report of the Standing Committee on Appointments to Major Government Boards and Committees (August 12, 2024) (Nils Clarke)
No: SP 35-1-160
Title: Seventeenth Report of the Standing Committee on Appointments to Major Government Boards and Committees (September 12, 2024) (Nils Clarke)
No: SP 35-1-161
Title: Seventh Report of the Standing Committee on Public Accounts (September 2024) (Currie Dixon)
No: LR 35-1-144
Title: Response to Written Question No. 50 re: Yukon grant (Jeanie McLean)
No: LR 35-1-145
Title: Response to Written Question No. 51 re: registered childcare spaces (Jeanie McLean)
No: LR 35-1-146
Title: Response to Written Question No. 52 re: registered and licensed early childcare educators (Jeanie McLean)
No: SP 35-1-162
Title: Yukon Human Rights Commission complaints —Investigative Report —Yukon Ombudsman (Jeremy Harper)
No: Petition 35-1-24
Title: Accessible play structures (Kate White)
No: SP 35-1-163
Title: Yukon Electoral District Boundaries Commission 2024 Final Report (Jeremy Harper)
No: FD 35-1-259
Title: Relocation of Whitehorse Elementary School, letter re, from Jennifer Dagg, President, Takhini Neighbourhood Association, to Hon. Jeanie McLean, Minister of Education (Kate White)
No: LR 35-1-147
Title: Response to Written Question No. 42 re: power generation (John Streicker)
No: SP 35-1-164
Title: Yukon Development Corporation Annual Report 2023 (John Streicker)
No: FD 35-1-260
Title: Yukon Energy 2023 annual report (John Streicker)
No: Petition 35-1-25
Title: Retention bonuses for health professionals (Yvonne Clarke)
No: SP 35-1-165
Title: Making Space for Children’s Rights 2023/2024 Annual Report Yukon Child & Youth Advocate Office (Jeremy Harper)
No: SP 35-1-166
Title: Annual Report 2023 Workers’ Safety and Compensation Board Yukon (Richard Mostyn)
No: LR 35-1-148
Title: Response to oral question from Ms. White re: school drinking water quality (Jeanie McLean)
No: LR 35-1-149
Title: Response to matter outstanding from discussion with Mr. Kent related to general debate on Vote 53, Energy, Mines and Resources, in Bill No. 215, Second Appropriation Act 2024-25 — PricewaterhouseCoopers invoice (John Streicker)
No: SP 35-1-167
Title: Five-Year Review — Cannabis Control and Regulation Act — October 2024 (Sandy Silver)
No: SP 35-1-168
Title: Yukon University 2023-24 Year-in-Review and Yukon University Consolidated Financial Statements Year Ended March 31, 2024 (Jeanie McLean)