Yukon Youth Parliament

The Yukon Youth Parliament is an opportunity for secondary school students to experience what it is like to be an MLA. The program includes collaborating with current Members of the Legislative Assembly, educational sessions on the procedures of the Assembly and participating in a model parliament sitting. Participants observe the Legislative Assembly in action and watch Question Period and Orders of the Day. Also included are presentations and discussions with other actors in the political process, including the media and the Commissioner of Yukon.

To replicate the Westminster model of parliament followed in Yukon, participants are organized into political party caucuses. The political parties are fictitious creations for the purposes of the simulation, but students learn how real caucuses operate. Each caucus is assigned teachers, MLAs and staff from the Legislative Assembly to serve as mentors and to coach students through the program.

Students coming from outside of Whitehorse will have their travel and accommodations covered by the Legislative Assembly. Minors traveling to participate in the program require an adult chaperone.

The sitting of the Youth Parliament is filmed and also broadcast over the Legislative Assembly’s radio station. Members of the public wishing to observe the proceedings, including school groups, are welcome to watch from the public galleries.

2020 Yukon Youth Parliament

April 15 to 17, 2020

The Yukon Legislative Assembly is pleased to be able to make the 2020 Yukon Youth Parliament program available to 24 students in grades 9 to 12, from across the territory.

2020 Yukon Youth Parliament Information Booklet

In light of recent developments with the COVID-19 Coronavirus pandemic, the Yukon Legislative Assembly is postponing the 2020 Yukon Youth Parliament.

Previous Youth Parliaments

2019 Youth Parliament Group Photo2019 Yukon Youth Parliament

The sitting of the 2019 Youth Parliament occurred Friday April 12, 2019.

