Earlier today the Yukon Legislative Assembly adopted the following motion:
THAT the House, at its rising on Thursday, March 19, 2020, do stand adjourned until 1:00 p.m. Thursday, October 1, 2020.
The House also agreed, pursuant to Standing Order 2(5), to sit past the usual hour of adjournment for the first time in many years in order to complete consideration of Bill No. 203, First Appropriation Act 2020-21, and ultimately rose at 9:29 p.m.
These are unusual times that call for unusual measures. I would like to commend all Members of the Legislative Assembly (MLAs) on their efforts to work collaboratively to continue to serve the people of Yukon during the COVID-19 coronavirus global pandemic. Ending the 2020 Spring Sitting earlier than usual was a challenging decision, but ultimately a prudent one. All MLAs have a duty to serve as legislators in the Assembly, but we also have a responsibility to do all we can to prevent the spread of this pandemic.
On behalf of all MLAs I would like to extend our thanks to the Legislative Assembly Office staff, the pages, Hansard office, the security personnel and cleaning staff, without whom the Assembly would not have been able to complete its work this week.
I urge everyone to practice social distancing and proper hand washing, and I wish everyone good health as MLAs continue to support all Yukoners during this challenging time.
Hon. Nils Clarke,
Speaker, Yukon Legislative Assembly