Public Accounts Committee Releases Status Update Report

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Public Accounts Committee Releases Status Update Report

The Standing Committee on Public Accounts of the 34th Yukon Legislative Assembly has released its Fourth Report in which the committee reviews what progress the departments have made on the recommendations contained in previous reports from the committee and the Auditor General of Canada.

The Standing Committee on Public Accounts has presented three previous reports during the 34th Legislative Assembly: its First Report, August 2017, on government transfers to societies; its Second Report, September 2017, on capital asset management; and, its Third Report, February 2019, on climate change in Yukon. Those reports each focused on a performance audit report by the Auditor General of Canada.

In its previous reports, the committee agreed with all the recommendations made by the Auditor General and made further recommendations to the departments which were audited. 

Government Transfers to Societies
In its review, the committee found that the departments had successfully addressed the recommendations of the Auditor General and the committee regarding government transfers to societies. 

Capital Asset Management
The committee is satisfied with the response from the departments to the recommendations regarding capital asset management. The departments have taken steps to address all the recommendations made by the Auditor General and the committee. The committee remains concerned, however, about some issues and is requesting further information from the departments.

Recommendation No. 1: THAT the Department of Highways and Public Works provide the Standing Committee on Public Accounts, by January 31, 2020, a timeline of when work on the building design standards manual will be complete.

Recommendation No. 2: THAT the Department of Highways and Public Works provide the Standing Committee on Public Accounts, by January 31, 2020, a timeline of when radon remediation work on remaining sites will be complete.

Recommendation No. 3: THAT the Department of Health and Social Services provide the Standing Committee on Public Accounts, by January 31, 2020, a timeline of when decisions will be made regarding whether radon testing will be made a requirement for licensing childcare centres and day homes.

Climate Change in Yukon
The committee is not satisfied with the response from the departments to the recommendations regarding climate change. While the departments have taken steps to address some of the recommendations made by the Auditor General and the committee, and some progress has been made, action still needs to be taken.

Recommendation No. 4: THAT the departments provide the Standing Committee on Public Accounts, by January 31, 2020, information on how the interdepartmental steering committee on the climate change strategy operates and how the decision-making structure is preferable to having a single department responsible for leading the development of the strategy.

Recommendation No. 5: THAT the departments provide the Standing Committee on Public Accounts, by January 31, 2020, a timeline of when the draft strategy on climate change will be available, and, once the draft strategy is available, the departments provide an in camera briefing to the Standing Committee on Public Accounts.

Recommendation No. 6: THAT the departments provide the Standing Committee on Public Accounts, by January 31, 2020, an updated timeline of when work on the climate change risk assessments will be complete.

The committee would like to thank officials from the Office of the Auditor General of Canada for their assistance. The committee would also like to thank the department officials who appeared at the public hearing and responded to the committee’s request for status updates.