Yukon Legislative Assembly Restarts Youth Parliament After 8 Year Hiatus

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April 5, 2019

The Yukon Legislative Assembly is excited to reintroduce the Yukon Youth Parliament program after an eight-year hiatus.

The program will include collaborating with current Members of the Legislative Assembly, attending educational sessions on the procedures of the Assembly and participating in a model parliament session.

“This is a great opportunity for students to vigorously debate motions in the same manner as members of the Legislative Assembly that are of interest to them and topical in their lives, while at the same time allowing them to hear opposing viewpoints argued just as passionately.”

Nils Clarke, Speaker of the Yukon Legislative Assembly

The schedule for this year’s Youth Parliament coincides with the 2019 Spring Sitting, giving participants the opportunity to observe the Legislative Assembly in action as well as to watch Oral Question Period and Orders of the Day. There will also be presentations and discussions with other actors in the political process, including the media and the Commissioner of Yukon.

To replicate the Westminster model of parliament followed in Yukon, participants will be organized into political party caucuses. The political parties will be fictitious creations for the purposes of the simulation, but students will learn how real caucuses operate.

“The Youth Parliament will be a hands-on experience that will give participants valuable insights into our democratic and legislative processes,” added Speaker Clarke.

The Youth Parliament session will occur on Friday April 12th starting at 10:30 am. and will be filmed for broadcast on community television channels and over the Legislative Assembly’s radio station. A schedule for the whole event is attached to this release.

The session will run using a similar order to motion day in the House and will include an Oral Question Period and debate on two motions. Members of the media have also been invited to assist with a mock media scrum. Anyone wishing to observe the proceedings, including school groups, are welcome to watch from the public galleries.

For more information, please contact the Legislative Assembly Office.

Legislative Assembly Office
(867) 667-5498
[email protected]