Tabled Documents

Sessional Papers

A sessional paper is a document required to be tabled in the Legislative Assembly in accordance with an act, resolution of the Assembly or Standing Order. Sessional Papers are tabled in the House during Tabling Returns and Documents.

Legislative Returns

A legislative return is a written response to: (a) a question asked during Question Period, (b) a written question that has been placed on the Order Paper, (c) a motion for the production of papers, or (d) a matter outstanding from discussion in the House or Committee of the Whole.

Filed Documents

Filed documents are documents, other than Sessional Papers, that are tabled in the House (usually during Tabling Returns and Documents) and entered into the Assembly’s Working Papers.


A petition is a formal request made by members of the public to the Legislative Assembly for redress of a grievance.

First Session

No: SP 35-1-39
Title: Third Report of the Standing Committee on Appointments to Major Government Boards and Committees (December 15, 2021) (Nils Clarke)
No: FD 35-1-42
Title: Report of Amanda Rogers, Independent Reviewer, in the matter of an independent review undertaken by the Government of Yukon, Department of Education, Re: Government Response to Allegation of Sexual Abuse Committed by Educational Assistant (Jeanie McLean)
No: FD 35-1-43
Title: Action Plan for the Hidden Valley Elementary School Report February 18, 2022 (Jeanie McLean)
No: FD 35-1-44
Title: Russian invasion of Ukraine, letter re (dated March 3, 2022) from Hon. Sandy Silver, Premier, Yukon, Hon. Caroline Cochrane, Premier Northwest Territories, and Hon. P.J. Akeeagok, Premier, Nunavut, to Hon. John Horgan, Chair, Council of the Federation (Sandy Silver)
No: FD 35-1-45
Title: Making Work Safe - A Summary on the Engagement on Paid Sick Leave (Lane Tredger)
No: Petition 35-1-9
Title: Wood Street School dress code (Kate White)
No: SP 35-1-40
Title: Child Rights Impact Assessment - Bill No. 11 Act to Amend the Child and Family Services Act (2022) - Child and Youth Advocate Office (Jeremy Harper)
No: FD 35-1-46
Title: Ongoing extra security costs in the Main Administration Building, letter re (dated March 14, 2022) from Brad Cathers, Member for Lake Laberge to Hon. Nils Clarke, Minister of Highways and Public Works (Brad Cathers)
No: FD 35-1-47
Title: Regulatory body for psychologists, letter re (dated March 14, 2022) from Reagan Gale, President, Psychological Society of Yukon to Brendan Hanley, Member of Parliament (Annie Blake)
No: FD 35-1-48
Title: Better Buildings Program Oversight Committee and Working Group Terms of Reference (Richard Mostyn)
No: FD 35-1-49
Title: Better Buildings Working Group and Oversight Committee: Administrative approach for municipal and territorial governments (Richard Mostyn)
No: FD 35-1-50
Title: Better Build Program Committees, letter re (dated March 7, 2022) from Gord Curran, President, Association of Yukon Communities to Hon. Richard Mostyn, Minister of Community Services (Richard Mostyn)
No: FD 35-1-51
Title: Fleet Vehicle Agency Business Plan 2022 to 2025 (Nils Clarke)
No: Petition 35-1-10
Title: Climate emergency (Lane Tredger)
No: FD 35-1-52
Title: Recommendations on climate action, letter re (dated March 8, 2022) from Sandy Silver, Premier, to Yukon Youth Panel on Climate Change panelists (Lane Tredger)
No: Petition 35-1-11
Title: Pandemic policy forum (Brad Cathers)
No: FD 35-1-53
Title: Amendment supporting LGBTQ2S+ students, letter re (dated March 23, 2022) from Theodore Hupé, President, Yukon Association of Educational Professionals, to Members of the Legislative Assembly (Lane Tredger)
No: FD 35-1-54
Title: Department of Education’s Sexual Orientation and Gender Identity Policy, letter re (dated February 15, 2022) from students of the Porter Creek Secondary School’s Gender and Sexuality Alliance to Hon. Jeanie McLean, Minister of Education (Lane Tredger)
No: FD 35-1-55
Title: Bill No. 11, Act to Amend the Child and Family Services Act, letter re (dated March 23, 2022) from Annette King, Child and Youth Advocate, to Hon. Tracy-Anne McPhee, Minister of Health and Social Services (Currie Dixon)
No: FD 35-1-56
Title: Comments about Bill No. 11, Act to Amend the Child and Family Services Act (2022), letter re (dated March 11, 2022) from Diane McLeod-McKay, Information and Privacy Commissioner, to Hon. Sandy Silver, Premier (Currie Dixon)
No: FD 35-1-57
Title: Bill No. 11, Act to Amend the Child and Family Services Act, letter re (dated March 17, 2022) from Peter Johnston, Grand Chief, Council of Yukon First Nations, to Hon. Tracy-Anne McPhee, Minister of Health and Social Services (Tracy-Anne McPhee)
No: FD 35-1-58
Title: Sexual Orientation and Gender Identity Policy, letter re (dated November 20, 2019) from Tracy-Anne McPhee, Minister of Education to Porter Creek Secondary School Gender and Sexuality Alliance (Tracy-Anne McPhee)
No: FD 35-1-59
Title: Child Rights Impact Assessment for Proposed Amendments to the Child and Family Services Act, letter re (dated March 7, 2022) from Annette King, Child and Youth Advocate to Hon. Tracy-Anne McPhee, Minister of Health and Social Services (Tracy-Anne McPhee)
No: FD 35-1-60
Title: Apology for error during Oral Question Period, letter re (dated March 25, 2022) from Kate White, Leader of the Third Party to Hon. Tracy-Anne McPhee, Minister of Health and Social Services (Kate White)
No: LR 35-1-40
Title: Response to matter outstanding from discussion with Mr. Kent related to general debate on Vote 3, Education, in Bill No. 203, Third Appropriation Act 2021-22 — masking in schools (Jeanie McLean)