Tabled Documents

Sessional Papers

A sessional paper is a document required to be tabled in the Legislative Assembly in accordance with an act, resolution of the Assembly or Standing Order. Sessional Papers are tabled in the House during Tabling Returns and Documents.

Legislative Returns

A legislative return is a written response to: (a) a question asked during Question Period, (b) a written question that has been placed on the Order Paper, (c) a motion for the production of papers, or (d) a matter outstanding from discussion in the House or Committee of the Whole.

Filed Documents

Filed documents are documents, other than Sessional Papers, that are tabled in the House (usually during Tabling Returns and Documents) and entered into the Assembly’s Working Papers.


A petition is a formal request made by members of the public to the Legislative Assembly for redress of a grievance.

First Session

No: LR 35-1-24
Title: Response to matter outstanding from discussion with Ms. White related to general debate on Vote 22, Yukon Development Corporation, in Bill No. 202, Second Appropriation Act 2021-22 —public information sessions (John Streicker)
No: LR 35-1-25
Title: Response to oral question from Ms. Van Bibber re: school zone safety (Nils Clarke)
No: LR 35-1-26
Title: Response to matter outstanding from discussion with Ms. White related to general debate on Vote 3, Education, in Bill No. 202, Second Appropriation Act 2021-22 — Old Crow staffing (Jeanie McLean)
No: LR 35-1-27
Title: Response to matter outstanding from discussion with Mr. Kent related to general debate on Vote 3, Education, in Bill No. 202, Second Appropriation Act 2021-22 — First Nation School Board Trustees (Jeanie McLean)
No: LR 35-1-28
Title: Response to matter outstanding from discussion with Mr. Kent related to general debate on Vote 3, Education, in Bill No. 202, Second Appropriation Act 2021-22 — bus arrival standards (Jeanie McLean)
No: LR 35-1-29
Title: Response to matter outstanding from discussion with Mr. Kent related to general debate on Vote 3, Education, in Bill No. 202, Second Appropriation Act 2021-22 — educational assistants (Jeanie McLean)
No: LR 35-1-30
Title: Response to matter outstanding from discussion with Mr. Kent related to general debate on Vote 3, Education, in Bill No. 202, Second Appropriation Act 2021-22 —staffing reporting tool (Jeanie McLean)
No: LR 35-1-31
Title: Response to matter outstanding from discussion with Ms. White related to general debate on Vote 3, Education, in Bill No. 202, Second Appropriation Act 2021-22 —staff vaccination attestation (Jeanie McLean)
No: LR 35-1-32
Title: Response to matter outstanding from discussion with Ms. White related to general debate on Vote 3, Education, in Bill No. 202, Second Appropriation Act 2021-22 — adult learning supports and programs (Jeanie McLean)
No: SP 35-1-34
Title: Health Care Insurance Programs – Health Services - Fiscal Years 2011-12 to 2020-21 – Annual Report April 1, 2020 to March 31, 2021 (Tracy-Anne McPhee)
No: SP 35-1-35
Title: Yukon Public Service Labour Relations Board Annual Report 2020-2021 (John Streicker)
No: SP 35-1-36
Title: Yukon Teachers Labour Relations Board Annual Report 2020-2021 (John Streicker)
No: SP 35-1-37
Title: Yukon Advisory Council on Women’s Issues Annual Report 2020-2021 (Jeanie McLean)
No: FD 35-1-38
Title: Yukon Government Public Service Commission 2 December 2021 Employee Attestations (John Streicker)
No: FD 35-1-39
Title: Yukon Party Support for Extending Cancer Presumption to Wildland Firefighters, letter re (dated November 30, 2021) from Kalin Pallett, President, Wilderness Tourism Association of the Yukon to Currie Dixon, Leader of the Official Opposition (Richard Mostyn)
No: FD 35-1-40
Title: Bill No. 8, Workers’ Safety and Compensation Act, letter re (dated November 25, 2021) from Frederick Koe, Chair, Board of Directors, Yukon First Nations Wildfire, to Hon. Richard Mostyn, Minister of Community Services (Richard Mostyn)
No: FD 35-1-41
Title: Change of clause 94, Division 4, Bill No. 8, Workers’ Safety and Compensation Act, letter re (dated November 17, 2021) from Chad Thomas, CEO, Yukon First Nations Wildfire, to Kate White, Leader of the Third Party (Kate White)
No: LR 35-1-33
Title: Response to matter outstanding from discussion with Mr. Kent related to general debate on Vote 3, Education, in Bill No. 202, Second Appropriation Act 2021-22 — NGO vaccination rates (Jeanie McLean)
No: LR 35-1-34
Title: Response to matter outstanding from discussion with Mr. Kent related to general debate on Vote 3, Education, in Bill No. 202, Second Appropriation Act 2021-22 — supported child care worker program (Jeanie McLean)
No: LR 35-1-35
Title: Response to matter outstanding from discussion with Mr. Dixon related to general debate on Vote 3, Education, in Bill No. 202, Second Appropriation Act 2021-22 — early learning framework (Jeanie McLean)
No: LR 35-1-36
Title: Response to matter outstanding from discussion with Mr. Dixon related to general debate on Vote 3, Education, in Bill No. 202, Second Appropriation Act 2021-22 — supported child care worker program (Jeanie McLean)
No: LR 35-1-37
Title: Response to oral question from Mr. Kent re: French immersion programming and capital plan for schools (Jeanie McLean)
No: SP 35-1-38
Title: Report from the Clerk of the Yukon Legislative Assembly on the Absence of Members from Sittings of the Legislative Assembly and its Committees (March 3, 2022) (Jeremy Harper)
No: LR 35-1-38
Title: Response to Written Question No. 3 re: development schedule for Whistle Bend (Richard Mostyn)
No: LR 35-1-39
Title: Response to Written Question No. 13 re: clearance times at the Fraser border crossing (Nils Clarke)